
How I stopped smoking and took my life back!!

How I Quit Smoking!!! Gain your freedom with actionable steps to  leave tobacco behind and quit cigarettes forever! Hello welcome and congratulations on making the decision to stop smoking forever. In this article I will get away from my poems for a moment to share with you how I set my mind to stop smoking and leave the habit behind me forever with actionable steps you can also utilize. These are only my opinions, that have helped me stop and it has been 6 years now, so I am confident I will never look back. I used to try and help coach my friends and loved ones to stop, then found that it appeared as if I was preaching and they didn’t want to hear it. I didn’t want to be a nag on them so I kind of just stopped. To each their own right? Well, I do care enough about them to still want to help. If you read the rest of this, then you will know I love helping others. I am a very loving person by nature. If you have not read my other book, I hope by the end of this you